Lunch Sign-Up

League supported Lunches go from May to the end of August. No league supported lunches in September or October. Fill-Out this Form to Reserve Your Date to Provide Lunch.  You can also sign up at the park using the Lunch Sign-up Book.

  • Plan to feed about 60 players.
  • League provides an electric slow cooker and a gas grill with large utensils for cooking.
  • League provides paper plates, napkins and plastic eating utensils.
  • The hosting group provides food and condiments and does the cooking and clean-up.
  • There are electrical outlets at the picnic shelter.
  • Information about Pizza and suggestions regarding food options are in the Lunch Sign-up book and will be added to this page.
  • We plan to provide snacks on the days when lunch is not provided during the summer months.
  • Present any questions or comments below or to the Lunch Committee:  Sheryl Pylypow, Chuck Salloway, and John Hovde

Full Name
Enter your full name
Contact Phone
Enter best contact phone number
Contact Email
Enter best contact email
What date do you want?
Open the calendar popup.
Who else is in your group?
What's the Plan?
what are you planning to offer for lunch?

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