Help wanted! Join a Committee

The West Metro Senior Softball Association Board will continue involving league members in the operation of the WMSS. The following is a list of committees, members and openings for which we need volunteers. Please let the Board know if you can help with any of these tasks. Thanks!

2024 Committees

COMPETITION: 4-6 members. Tasks:  player assignment to divisions; team formation; semi-annual review of rules and addressing player concerns. National Division Members: John Hovde, John Aldritt, Mitch Krause. Northwest: Mike Holm, Reiny   Grasmick, Jack Meenan. 

 LUNCHEON: 2-4 members. Tasks: planning and monitoring lunch schedule from May to end of August; monitor, stock and arrange lunch items in shed; maintain cooking utensils, grill and roaster; assess needs and make recommendations to the board; organize end of summer picnic; research local pizza and other lunch providers, e.g. costs, delivery issues; develop guidelines and expectations for player groups providing lunches. Members:  Sheryl Pylypow, Chuck Salloway , John Hovde- 1 open position. 

ANNUAL END OF SUMMER PICNIC AND 1-PITCH TOURNAMENT: One volunteer needed to organize the catered picnic working with the Lunch Committee and Board.  A second volunteer needed to organize the tournament- rules, teams, fields, schedule. This will be done in coordination with the Competition Committees and Board. 

POP/BEVERAGE:  1 or 2 members to provide cold, canned pop using the league cooler. Buy the beverages, ice for each game day, reimbursed by the league. Two volunteers needed. 

EQUIPMENT: 4-5 members. Monitor and repair screens, scoreboards, strike mats. Monitor and distribute equipment to all fields.  Monitor supply of balls, purchase and distribute.  Make recommendations to the board.  Members:  Ron Gronfor, Leon D, John Thompson.  One more volunteer position open. 

WEB SITE: Maintenance of our  This includes setting up league registration and schedules, posting summer game scores and standings, and helping process mailings.  Members: Rick DeSchepper, Tom Spitzer and Paul Palmer.

Start Here:

Let us know how you can help; Send us an email